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Streamline Your Space with the Box and Banish Decluttering Method

A game-changing approach to decluttering that brings order to chaos in your home.

In a world inundated with possessions, finding a streamlined approach to decluttering can be a game-changer. If you're tired of feeling overwhelmed by the clutter in your home, the Box and Banish decluttering method might be just what you need.

So, what is the Box and Banish method?

Well, it's all about taking a box, finding a spot in your home (preferably an unused one), and using it as a temporary home for items you're on the fence about. Once that box is full, you seal it up and tuck it away for a designated amount of time (we recommend 6 weeks). You only go back to it if you realize you really need something inside.

During these six weeks, just go about your daily business. If you find yourself really missing something that ended up in the box or realize you need it, go ahead and retrieve it. But don't spend ages sifting through the contents.

After the six weeks are up, whatever's left in the box gets the boot and you can put it out to be donated or recycled. If something hasn't crossed your mind in over a month, it's probably not adding much value to your life. Plus, think about how much it could benefit someone else!

The "box and banish" method is like a decluttering ninja move. It allows you to clear out your space little by little, making the whole process way less overwhelming. So, grab a box, start sorting, and watch the magic happen! 📦✨

Why the Box and Banish method is great

We at Ditch love the Box and Banish method because it's simple and can bedone in your free time. If you're overwhelmed with decluttering and can't find the time, or if you've already decluttered and just are finding some things around your home that don't really have a place, then it's the perfect solution.

Willing to try the Box and banish method? Let us know how it goes!

March 13, 2024
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