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What does it mean to be "Carbon Neutral"?

The term "carbon neutral" is everywhere, but ever wonder what it actually means? We're here to break it down.

You've probably heard the term "carbon neutral" floating around a lot lately. But what does it mean, and why is it such a big deal for our planet's future? Let's get into it!

So, what's the deal with Carbon Neutrality?

Before we jump into it, let's talk about these things called Greenhouse Gasses, or GHGs. They're like these tiny molecules in the air that can keep the Earth cozy. They're like the planet's favorite blanket! If we don’t have a lot of greenhouse gasses, the planet would be too cold, but if we have too many of them, it's like piling on way too many blankets on a hot day and things will start to get a little too toasty.

When we humans make too many GHGs (by burning stuff like fossil fuels and cutting down too many trees), it speeds up how warm the planet gets which is a phenomenon we all know as "Global Warming." This is where Carbon Neutrality comes in. 

Being carbon neutral is like finding the perfect balance. It's like making sure you eat just the right amount of candy - not too much, not too little. It's when someone, like a person, a company, or even a whole country, tries to even out how much GHGs they put into the air with how much they take out. This helps slow down the extra warming effect.

If we don't do this, too many GHGs will make the Earth even hotter, causing all sorts of problems like crazy weather, messed-up ecosystems, and shortages of things we need, like food and water.

So, how can we all help make things carbon neutral?

Cutting Down on Pollution

We need to use energy in smarter and cleaner ways. That means using things like solar power, wind power, and other clean sources instead of things that pollute, like coal and gas.

Offsetting Our Carbon Footprint

Sometimes, we can't avoid making a little pollution. In those cases, we can do things to balance it out, like planting trees or supporting clean energy projects.

Keeping Score

Companies need to keep track of how much pollution they make. This helps them set goals to use less and be more carbon neutral.

Using Clean Energy

We need to move away from dirty energy sources and use cleaner ones, like the power from the sun and the wind.

Getting Clever with Technology

We need new inventions and clever ideas to help us use energy better and pollute less. Things like better batteries and ways to capture pollution can make a big difference.

In a nutshell, being carbon neutral is like being a good caretaker for our planet. It's about finding ways to balance out the things we do that make the Earth warmer. And guess what? Every little bit helps! So, whether it's turning off lights, using a bike instead of a car, or supporting clean energy, you can be part of making our world a more balanced, healthier place for everyone. Remember, every action, no matter how small, counts towards a carbon-neutral world.

February 7, 2024
The Ditch Team
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