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What is the Marie Kondo Method?

A 101 rundown on the popular book "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japnese Art of Decluttering and Organizing"

In a world inundated with material possessions, finding serenity amidst the chaos can feel like an insurmountable task. Enter the Marie Kondo Method, a revolutionary approach to tidying and decluttering that has taken the world by storm.

If you're reading this, we assume you're trying to declutter your apartment ASAP and don't have a lot of time to read the whole book. No worries! We're here to break down the KonMari Method for your — it's principles and how you can implemenet it — so you can get straight to decluttering your life and foster a space of tranquliity, purpose and joy.

The KonMari Philosophy

Developed by renowned Japanese organizing consultant Marie Kondo, the KonMari Method is more than just a cleaning technique—it's a way of life. At its heart lies the belief that our physical environment profoundly influences our mental and emotional well-being. By surrounding ourselves with items that "spark joy," we cultivate a space that nurtures positivity, productivity, and a deep sense of contentment.

The Core Principles

1. Tidying by Category, Not Location

One of the key tenets of the KonMari Method is tackling clutter by category, not by room. This means gathering all items of a similar nature from every corner of your living space and assessing them together. Categories often include clothing, books, papers, komono (miscellaneous items), and sentimental items.

2. Choosing Joy as the Criterion

When determining what to keep and what to discard, Kondo advises asking a simple yet powerful question: "Does this item spark joy?" If an item elicits a positive emotional response, it's a keeper. If not, it's time to express gratitude and let it go.

3. The Art of Letting Go

Parting with possessions can be an emotional process, but Kondo emphasizes the importance of expressing gratitude for items that have served their purpose. This act of gratitude eases the transition and allows you to appreciate the positive impact these objects have had on your life.

4. Find a Designated Place for Each Item

Every item you choose to keep should have a designated home. This not only promotes order but also prevents clutter from accumulating in the future. Each item should be stored in a way that is easily accessible and visually pleasing.

5. Visualize Your Ideal Lifestyle

Envisioning the kind of life you want to lead can guide your decisions during the tidying process. This helps you create a space that supports your aspirations and aligns with your values.

The KonMari Method in Action

1. Clothing

Begin with clothing, as it's usually the easiest category to tackle. Gather every piece of clothing you own, including those tucked away in forgotten corners. Hold each item in your hands and assess whether it sparks joy. Fold and store them in a way that maximizes visibility and accessibility.

2. Books

For many, books hold sentimental value, but the KonMari Method encourages you to reassess your collection. Keep only those that truly resonate with you. Organize them in a way that allows you to appreciate their presence.

3. Papers

Paper clutter can be overwhelming, but Marie Kondo offers practical techniques for sorting and storing documents. Discard unnecessary paperwork and create a system for organizing important documents.

4. Komono (Miscellaneous Items)

This category encompasses a wide range of items, from kitchenware to electronics. Approach each subcategory one at a time, applying the joy-sparking criterion. This phase often yields dramatic results, as many households accumulate a significant amount of miscellaneous items.

5. Sentimental Items

Tackling sentimental items can be emotionally challenging, but it's a crucial step in the KonMari Method. By applying the joy-sparking principle, you can curate a selection of sentimental items that truly enrich your life.

Embracing the Marie Kondo Method is not just about decluttering; it's about creating a harmonious living environment that aligns with your truest self. By applying the core principles of this transformative approach, you can embark on a journey towards a more intentional and joyful life. Start today, and let the process of tidying become a celebration of the things that truly matter.

February 14, 2024
The Ditch Team
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