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Blue Jeans Go Green

Drop Off
Service Fee

Blue Jeans Go Green is a unique recycling program aimed at transforming old denim into insulation material for homes and buildings, emphasizing sustainability and waste reduction. It's an initiative that encourages individuals and businesses to contribute to an eco-friendlier environment by recycling denim. This program doesn't operate as a traditional marketplace for sellers; instead, it allows participants to donate their used denim, turning waste into valuable resources and promoting environmental conservation.

What you can ditch

Items you can donate to Blue Jeans Go Green:

  • Jeans and denim jackets
  • Denim shorts and skirts
  • Any denim apparel or accessories
How to ditch with
Blue Jeans Go Green

To donate your denim to Blue Jeans Go Green, follow these steps:

  1. Gather Your Denim: Collect any type of denim apparel you no longer need, ensuring they are clean and free from non-denim materials.
  2. Find a Collection Site: Visit the Blue Jeans Go Green website to locate a nearby collection site or a mail-in recycling partner.
  3. Prepare Your Shipment: If you're mailing your denim, package it appropriately. Some partners may offer free shipping labels.
  4. Send or Drop Off Your Denim: Mail your package or drop it off at a designated collection site.
  5. Confirmation: While there's typically no payment or direct exchange for your denim, some partners may offer discounts or incentives for your contribution to the program.
Ditch Tips & Resources
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This page was last updated
March 18, 2024