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The Bra Recyclers

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The Bra Recyclers is a textile recycling company specializing in repurposing and recycling used bras to reduce waste and support women in need. They work with a network of organizations, including shelters and transitional homes, to provide bras to women escaping domestic violence, human trafficking, or facing financial difficulties. Their initiative not only promotes environmental sustainability by diverting textiles from landfills but also supports women's dignity and self-esteem through the provision of essential personal items.

What you can ditch

Items you can recycle with The Bra Recyclers:

  • New and gently used bras of all types and sizes
  • Sports bras
  • Nursing bras
  • Mastectomy bras

How to ditch with
The Bra Recyclers

To use The Bra Recyclers:

  1. Gather Your Bras: Collect bras that you no longer wear or need, ensuring they are clean and in good condition.
  2. Package Your Bras: Place your bras in a suitable envelope or box for shipping. Consider using a recycled or recyclable package to align with the sustainability mission.
  3. Fill Out the Bra Recycling Form: Visit The Bra Recyclers website to fill out the Bra Recycling Form, which provides them with necessary information about your donation.
  4. Ship Your Package: Address your package to The Bra Recyclers, following the shipping instructions provided on their website. Note that you will be responsible for shipping costs.
  5. Send Off Your Donation: Take your package to a post office or shipping center to send it off to The Bra Recyclers. Your donated bras will then be sorted and distributed to those in need or properly recycled.
Ditch Tips & Resources
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This page was last updated
March 17, 2024