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WeenDream is a nonprofit organization that provides free Halloween costumes to children in need across the United States. They aim to ensure every child has the opportunity to enjoy Halloween by eliminating the financial barrier to participating in costume-related activities. WeenDream emphasizes community support and inclusivity, making the holiday accessible to all children.

What you can ditch

For specific guidelines on what WeenDream accepts, click here.

How to ditch with

To donate to WeenDream:

  1. Gather Costumes: Collect new or gently used Halloween costumes and accessories you wish to donate.
  2. Check Quality: Make sure the costumes are clean and in good condition, suitable for another child to wear.
  3. Package Your Donations: Neatly pack your costumes and accessories into a box or bag.
  4. Visit WeenDream's Website: Go to the WeenDream website to find the mailing address or local drop-off locations.
  5. Ship or Drop Off: Send your package to the provided address or take it to a designated drop-off location.
  6. Include Your Details (Optional): If you'd like an acknowledgment for your donation, include your contact information in the package.
Ditch Tips & Resources
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This page was last updated
March 18, 2024