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Worthy is an online platform that leverages expertise, technology, and a vast network of professional buyers to help individuals sell their jewelry for the highest possible price. The process involves a seller submitting information about their item, which is then securely shipped to Worthy for professional preparation and grading. The item is then auctioned online to over 1,000 professional buyers, ensuring competitive offers. Sellers receive payment via bank transfer, PayPal, or check once their jewelry is sold.

What you can ditch

Worthy accepts a range of items including diamond jewelry, luxury watches, and branded jewelry for auction.

How to ditch with

To sell through Worthy, follow these steps:

  1. Tell them about your item. Answera few basic questions about your jewelry for Worthy's experts to review.
  2. Schedule your shipping. Worthy will arrange secure shipment of your items to our offices. You can choose between FedEx pickup from your home, or drop-off at a FedEx location near you. Your shipping will be fully covered by Worthy and fully insured by insurers at Lloyd’s of London. You can also drop your jewelry off in person at select Worthy locations across the U.S.
  3. Worthy receives your item and prepares it for auction, including professional grading.
    You set the minimum amount you’d accept as a winning bid. While bids may exceed this amount, your reserve price eliminates the risk of selling your item for less than you’d like. We’ll recommend a reserve price which you can choose to accept, or you can set your own.
  4. Auction
    Your item is auctioned to a network of 1,000+ professional industry buyers on our platform can view and bid on your item.
  5. Get Paid
    Once your item is sold, you'll get the final sale amount minus Worthy's fee, which is a percentage of the sale price. You can receive your payment via a bank transfer, PayPal or check. The choice is yours.
Ditch Tips & Resources
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This page was last updated
March 18, 2024
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